Sunday, February 18, 2007

Sarah B Gutz

2 Do things that are extraordinary and nearly impossible.
3 Believe that: If its to be, its up to me.
4 Think BIG. Dream lofty dreams. Plan. Act immediately.
5 Keep in contact with the best, meet people engaged in the best, experience the best.
6 Take self inventory annually on your birthday.
7 Inspire others by your example.
8 Build your reputation for honesty, integrity, quality and suberb service.
9 Support others in achieving your goal.
10 Do and say things that benefit all concerned.
11 Realize that all events happen for the best.
12 Simplify your life, have more fun per hour.
13 Give something away daily .. a postcard, letter, gift, smile, hug, compliment.
14 Speak and write only positive words.
15 Spend more time with nature.
16 Act as if all your goals are already accomplished.
17 Eat mainly fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains.
18 Learn something new every day.
19 Do not critisize, condemn or complain.

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